Excision is Asking Fans to Help Curate The Lost Lands 2019 Lineup [Vote Here]

Excision is Asking Fans to Help Curate The Lost Lands 2019 Lineup [Vote Here]

Excision’s Lost Lands has quickly become one of the best bass heavy festivals in the world. And this year, X and his team are asking fans to help select the 2019 lineup!

Excision posted his 2019 artist survey last night and fans have just about lost their mind. What more can you ask for from the Excision team? This allows not only for fans voices to be heard but also for the Excision team to see what artists DESERVE to be on the Lost Lands lineup for next year.

Artists from Subtronics to Boogie T to dozens of others have reposted the survey, asking fans to lend their votes to make sure fans help deliver the most enjoyable experience possible. The rules are simple: Vote for as many artists as you’d like, but don’t vote for everyone, and you can only complete this survey once, so make sure your answers are correct! 

If you feel anyone is missing let Excision know in the “Other” spot at the bottom of the survey. Good luck! 

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