If You Love Petit Biscuit, Fakear, Or Flume... You Will Love Ye. & His New EP

If You Love Petit Biscuit, Fakear, Or Flume… You Will Love Ye. & His New EP

Ye. (Yea), One of my current personal favorites, Is back today with his brand new ep titled Trails.

If you are deep into dance music up-and-comers you have surely heard Ye. I recently praised his creative prowess when he transformed some modern pop hits into what I like to call “sad boy” trap. Today, the young producer is dropping some quality originals on us.

Trails is an 8-track EP which features Ye.’s unique sound design; a design that is hard to put into words, but captures a feeling of cinematic soundscapes. A new wave of future bass and trap rolled into one. A design that has made its way to the forefront of dance music with the likes of Petit Biscuit, Chet Porter, Fakear and others paving the way before him.

There are several great songs on Trails but my personal favorite is “alright alone.” The song highlights vocalist Josh Jacobson‘s angelic vocals mixed with Ye.’s bouncy production. The song provides a much-needed R&B vibe to the EP, one I personally hope he explores more in the future.

With it still being early in his career Trails is a great indication of what could come from ye. over the next few years. The newcomer is actually headed to Electric Forest this weekend, right on the heels of the EP release. Some would call this the perfect opportunity to present not only Trails, but himself to the world.

Stream the full EP below:

Featured image via artist Facebook page. 

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