Want to Play the Guitar? Here's What You Need to Know

Want to Play the Guitar? Here’s What You Need to Know

Everyone should pick up a musical instrument from time to time, even if they don’t have plans to become a songwriter or famous diva. It’s an important skill to learn that helps exercise different parts of your brain while also being fun. If you’re entertaining the idea of picking up the guitar, there are a few things to consider before doing so. Learning guitar as an adult can take you a little longer than you might expect, which is totally fine. Patience is key, as is access to helpful tools and learning resources. If you’re eager to get strumming on a guitar, here are a few tips to help get you started.

Guitar Lessons

While you may be able to learn the basics on your own, following online tutorials and other similar resources, a few lessons can help set you on the right path, especially at the beginning. Tons of instructors out there advertise their services constantly, but it can be difficult to determine which might work best for you. The lifelong music enthusiasts at https://www.musicgrotto.com/guitar-tricks-review/ recommend examining the content of the courses offered, comparing price points, and evaluating them against your current skill level. If you’re still not sure, then feel free to look into booking a consultation, or a free trial to see if the instructor’s methods are helpful to you. 

Holding the Guitar

Properly holding your instrument is the first step to knowing how to play it. This might seem fairly straightforward, but there are actually a few things regarding positioning you should be aware of. If you are right-handed, position your left hand on the neck, and right hand over the soundhole, this allows you to get the best sound possible from the guitar while remaining comfortable. If you’re left-handed, tough, fear not. Yes, it could be slightly trickier, but one thing that might help is to flip the guitar strings and hold it with your right hand on the neck.

How to Hold a Pick

Some guitarists do prefer to play guitars without a pick, but learning to play with one is very helpful – that is, of course, if you know how to hold it properly. What you need to do is place the pick between the tip of your forefinger and your thumb, and that’s it! The rest is a matter of practice, and over time you will be able to determine whether a thicker or thinner pick is more comfortable for you.

Tune the Guitar

The other important thing you need to get a hang of in order to be able to play the guitar is to tune it. An out of tune instrument will never be helpful in your journey to learning how to play. There are many resources online to help you figure out how to tune a guitar. You can also purchase a small electronic tuner that could make the job much easier for you. In all cases, investing some time, effort – and money if you buy a tuner – will ensure that the learning process is not halted as you attempt to learn the chords. 

Electric or Acoustic?

Most people prefer to learn on an acoustic guitar, although you can learn on either one. It really depends on your personal preference. Electric guitars have thinner strings, which makes them easier for beginners since they are less taxing on your hands. Meanwhile, an acoustic will be more cost-effective, given that it does not need extra equipment. It’s also worth bearing in mind that it is fairly easy to transition to electric guitar playing once you have mastered how to work with an acoustic one. Either way, it is up to you, and the only thing you need to consider is whether or not you can invest more money into quality equipment from the get-go. 

Getting Used to Muscle Pain

Your fingers will hurt tremendously in the beginning, but it will eventually subside the more you practice. You might feel your arm cramp up, and feel calluses form on your hand. Don’t despair, these are “growing pains,” and you will eventually feel the pain dissipate the more often you will practice. However, if you still have some trouble, you can power through by employing the assistance of lighter strings, which a professional can help you do easily. 

These are the basics to keep in mind as you prepare to learn to play the guitar. The most important thing is to not despair or assume that you will be able to play a song the minute the pick up the guitar. It will take you a long while; it is a matter of gradually learning the ropes. So, stay calm, and learn at your own pace. You’ll be able to play your favorite songs in no time.

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