A Beginner's Guide on Proper Trumpet Care

A Beginner's Guide on Proper Trumpet Care

Trumpets are a musical instrument that is commonly used in classical and jazz music. If you have a trumpet or if you are thinking of purchasing one, you need to make sure you are keeping proper care of your brass instrument to make sure it stays in good condition for years to come. By taking proper care of your brass trumpet you can make sure that it will last you decades to come.

Giving your Trumpet a Bath

If you want to make sure your trumpet will last you for the years to come you will want to make sure you periodically wash your musical instrument. In order to wash your trumpet, you will have to disassemble it to ensure it is given a thorough cleaning. As you disassemble your trumpet you will need to remove the valves that are located at the top of the horn. In order to do this, you will need a screwdriver to assist you. Once you have unscrewed the valves you need to remove the springs. It is important that you remove the springs before you wash your trumpet because if the springs get wet it can cause damage and rust. After you have removed the springs from the valves, make sure you remove the slides. Just like the springs, the slides should not get wet because if they do, they can cause permanent damage to your trumpet. Once you have removed all those parts it is time to let your trumpet soak in some lukewarm water and dish soap. You should let your trumpet soak in soapy water for a couple of hours and you should periodically scrub your trumpet with a soft cloth to help get rid of any built-up dirt and grime. After you have washed your trumpet, make sure you properly dry it. Drying your trumpet should be down with a soft towel to prevent scratches. 

Oil the Valves 

After cleaning your trumpet you will want to make sure you oil the valves. It is important to oil the valves so that they stay lubricated and do not seize. If you do not oil the valves on your trumpet, you run the risk of damaging your instrument due to friction. If you want to learn about what kinds of grease are safe for your instrument, then make sure you read these useful tips on how to take care of your trumpet by Merely Music. When you oil the valves you will want to apply a good amount that covers the valves’ entire surface. If you are not sure if you have applied enough oil to the valve, you can test it out by putting the valve into the valve casing and moving it up and down. You will know that you have applied enough oil when the valve moves up and down in a nice fluid motion with little resistance. 

Tuning your Instrument 

If you want to make sure your instrument sounds good for years to come you will need to have it tuned periodically. As you play your instrument, it will begin to go out of tune. This can make your instrument sound off and not as good as a finely tuned instrument. Tuning your instrument will help improve its sound and make it sound like a brand new again. If you are looking to tune your instrument, there are many guides online that can help teach you how to do it yourself, or you could always bring it to a music shop to have it tuned by them.

If you have a trumpet make sure you take the time to properly care for your musical instrument. If you have recently purchased a trumpet you may not know where to begin or what steps are necessary to protect your instrument’s condition. As a general rule, you should wash your trumpet after every 100 hours of playing time. Keeping track of how long you play your instrument will help you remember when you need to conduct some regular maintenance. When you wash your trumpet make sure you remove the valves, springs, and slides, because you do not want these parts to get wet as they could rust. Remember to use lukewarm water and dish soap to soak your instrument and always dry your trumpet thoroughly to prevent any blemishes. Also, oiling your instrument is an essential step when it comes to protecting your trumpet. Applying generous amounts of oil to your valves will prevent them from seizing up. Remember that these are just a few tips to help inform beginners on the importance of proper trumpet care. If you want to learn more about how you can properly care for your trumpet, make sure you do some more research online. Taking the steps to properly care for your trumpet will allow your trumpet to remain in good working condition for decades to come. 

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