Space Jesus Pulls Out from Ninja Nation Tour due to Datsik Allegations

Space Jesus Pulls Out from Ninja Nation Tour due to Datsik Allegations

By now, everyone has heard of the sexual allegations revolving around Datsik. Though the artist profusely denied these claims with a lackluster statement. Multiple tweets and second-hand stories have been shared, which deservingly pissed off a lot of people. Datsik’s Ninja Squad continues to drop like flies.

In addition to losing his fans, many venues are cancelling shows during his Ninja Nation tour. Even Space Jesus, Jasha Tull, came forward and announced his departure from the tour, which he was featured as support on. Following Space Jesus cancelling, Riot Ten followed suit and also announced his departure from the tour.

The tour featured 17 more dates, booked through the next couple of months.

View Space Jesus’ announcement below:

View Datsik’s “official apology” below:

*Update 3/15 3:30 PM*

Datsik took to Facebook to announce the complete cancellation of his Ninja Nation tour. As stated above, there were 17 shows left in the run. This sparked lots of comments and hate.

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