Marshmello Competes on American Ninja Warrior With Helmet And All [Watch]

Marshmello Competes on American Ninja Warrior With Helmet And All [Watch]

When drafting the title of this article, I contemplated putting Marshmello in quotations. Simply because we will never truly know if Marshmello ACTUALLY was the one to compete in this event. Regardless, whoever it was made it through the entire course, complete with cringe-worthy dance moves after accomplishing each activity.

Throughout the three-minute video are shots that pan to the crowd. And like much of his fan-base, the crowd was filled with prepubescent children and their parents. We’re not sure which was worse: all the children or the extremely tacky puns thanks to the announcers. “He’s roasting it,” cue buh-dum-tss meme.

Is this a troll? Did the real Marshmello truly make it through this course, which many ATHLETES struggle to do? We’ll never know.

Check out the video below:

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