Luis Crucet Shares Impressive Debut EP 'Current' [Listen]

Luis Crucet Shares Impressive Debut EP 'Current' [Listen]

Attention: you need to add Luis Crucet to your playlists ASAP. Evolving from “aggressive fidget dance music” to a more atmospheric and purposeful sound, Luis Crucet has honed in on something perfect with his 5-track debut EP titled Current.

Current features 2 previously released singles, “Mist” and “Power” which gave fans a peek as to what the producer is really about. Incorporating his own vocals and dreamy melodies, Crucet transcends into the indie-electronic sound-sphere, providing his own take on the genre.

Give the EP a listen below:

One of our favorites, “Mist,” song number 2, is Crucet’s second single release ever. On the song, he explains that “Mist” is about “being in peace with your mind and finding tranquillity through tough times.” Following “Mist” is “React,” joined by Furbzz, goes a bit more aggressive while still incorporating airy chops.

“Lines” featuring Jenni Wagner is pure atmospheric bliss as you follow along to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Crucet explains that “Lines” is actually a “5 year old song that was remade to the final version of what it is now featuring Jenni W,” and we love it. Concluding Current is Crucet’s collaboration with Silk Matthews: “Power.” This one revolves around uplifting chords and Silk’s silky vocals.

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Featured image via artist. 

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