Tipper, Pretty Lights, Of The Trees, and More Join SPREAD To Raise Funds For Aftermath Of Hurricane Helene

Tipper, Pretty Lights, Of The Trees, and More Join SPREAD To Raise Funds For Aftermath Of Hurricane Helene

Time and time again, human beings have proven themselves capable of remarkable resilience. While this is true on an individual level, it is even more so when we come together in the face of adversity. And it is often in these times of great trial that the real depths of community rise to the surface and shine their brightest, showcasing the startling force of strength in numbers. One such example has shown these past weeks in Western North Carolina, following the devastation of Hurricane Helene.

Thankfully, Denver-based nonprofit SPREAD has teamed up with a number of musicians, visual artists, and promoters in our beloved electronic music community to organize art/merch raffles, ticket giveaways, and charity events in an effort to raise relief funds for the creative hub of Asheville and the surrounding mountain towns that were most affected by this catastrophic event, where 100% of proceeds will be going to organizations BeLoved Asheville and MANNA FoodBank. And this is only one group helping connect forces from around our scene to make a difference in this time of need.

Read on below to find out how you can be a part of this action and help make a lasting impact in rebuilding Western North Carolina. Every penny, every thought, every social media share can go a long way.

Hurricane Helene

In what has proven to be the deadliest Atlantic hurricane to strike mainland United States since Katrina in 2005, Helene wreaked havoc from September 26th to the 27th before its dissipation. The effect and aftermath has been disastrous for many communities throughout the Southeast, but of particular notice was the unprecedented damage caused in the city of Asheville, NC, and the surrounding towns, where flooding and landslides annihilated total communities and towns, wiping out buildings, homes, and roads, and has left countless rural residents stranded without water, food, or power.

Photo by Melissa Sue Gerrits

The total death toll caused by the storm has exceeded 200, and many people are still missing to this day as search-and-rescue teams struggle to make their way through the mountains. The effect on towns like Marshall, Swannanoa, and more appear apocalyptic, and people are in desperate need of resources to stay afloat before the structural rebuilding of these communities can even be fathomed. This is going to be a long road back to normal, and everyone’s attention and care going forward will be of the greatest significance. Fortunately, people from all over the country have already been coming together to donate and deliver vital necessities such as water, food, and gasoline.

Photo by Travis Long

Asheville: A Hub of Art and Electronic Music

Asheville is not only a natural wonderland and creative hub dating back to the literature and fine arts of the early 20th century; over the last decade-plus, Asheville and the greater region, known for its waterfalls and lush Blue Ridge Mountains, has become a home to many creatives in our own contemporary landscape. To list a few of the names who call this place home: Somatoast, Tenorless, Papadosio, Ginseng, callmenikkip, Avey Tare, Push/Pull, Gavinger, Papa Bear, Truffula, and more. Just this past March, River Beats covered the Hypnotic Theatre event at the Wortham Centre for Performing Arts.

Somatoast was one of the residents left stranded by the storm when the bridge connecting his property to the main road was wiped away as the creek turned into a raging body of water. For ten days, he and his community joined forces to help each other, all of them unable to leave, many left in shambles.

Photo by Drew Stevens Photography

Jerry Cahill is a painter with a screenprinting shop in the River Arts District; his shop/studio was completely destroyed when the River Arts District went under water, along with many others, yet he’s been hard at work helping people all around the city, volunteering his time and skills with groups like BeLoved Asheville.

Notable venues in the city include The Orange Peel, Asheville Music Hall, Eulogy, Rabbit Rabbit, and The Grey Eagle, and many of these gathering places for cultural mind-expansion, connectivity, musical performance, and revelry have found themselves devastated by the storm and in need of immediate assistance. Not only are the buildings affected, but each has a whole team of staff who depend on the events in these venues for their livelihood. This is why organizations like SPREAD and others are teaming up to do all they can for the residents of this cultural epicenter in the mountains.


SPREAD is a nonprofit organization founded in 2019 by Emily Himes as a way of connecting musicians and the live music scene to important social causes around the country. Talking with Jared Oppenheim, head of The Gradient Perspective, the two realized they had a degree of influence in their hands that, together, with the assistance of musicians, artists, and promoters, could help bring aid and resources to the people of Western North Carolina affected by Hurricane Helene.

“SPREAD was founded out of the desire to unite artists and their communities with causes. We believe that when artists empower their fans by giving them a direct way to influence the lives of those who need it most, they will take it. Music is a powerful tool that can be used to inspire solidarity, especially in times of hardship. If we can do anything, it’s putting the power to create an impact in the hands of our people.”-Emily Himes, Founder of SPREAD

What transpired, with the inclusion of Rhizome Music, Denver EDM Friends, and Sacred Acre, was a raffle that included artwork and merch from Tipper, Pretty Lights, Johnathan Singer, Mersiv, all:Lo Collective, Tenorless, Fractled Visions, and Glass Crane.

A show with Josh Teed and Friends at the Larimer Lounge in Denver on October 6th gave attendees raffle entries for LSZee tickets at Red Rocks and Sacred Acre festival passes, with all of the proceeds from the raffle and event going to BeLoved Asheville and MANNA FoodBank.

The first raffle brought in almost $14,500, and suddenly more and more artists were reaching out to SPREAD with a desire to participate, realizing the impact donating a simple merch bundle or ticket giveaway could have on the current crisis. Currently, a second raffle is live and in effect, featuring merch from Detox Unit, Tipper, Of the Trees, G Jones, Griz, Shades, Resonant Language, and more.

Morphis Art has donated an original painting, and tickets to Tipper at the Fillmore, Somatoast in Denver, Ooga in Boulder, and more have also been added to this insane list, along with passes to Sound Haven and Queens Carnival, as groups like Memory Palace, Shakedown Productions, Kouch Kollective, Sacred Hive, and more join the cause. Find out more and enter the raffle here.

“As time goes on the need for giving will become greater and greater. Now is the right time to get activated and start giving to your community in the forms of service and charity. This event is a testament to our shared commitment to those affected by Hurricane Helene. The devastation in Asheville–a place that has given rise to so much creativity–reminds us how vital safety and stability are to fostering the art we cherish. We hope it inspires more action and shows everyone that participated that they do have the power to create change. Even the smallest action creates a ripple of hope for those that need it most.”-Emily Himes, Founder of SPREAD

Two more shows have also been announced in association with SPREAD and the current raffle, including a show on October 12th at the Larimer Lounge with EOS, Arcturus, and J. Lang, as well as a show on October 13th at the Rabbit Hole in Charlotte, NC, with Phyphr and special guests. Tickets can be found at the raffle link above.

These are just a few of the many ways you can give assistance to communities in need, bridging the party and electronic music with the present impact of relevant social aid, and it can all be done from your own home.

What Else Can You Do?

Aside from this important series of raffles, Papadosio and musicians like Billy Strings and Greensky Bluegrass have organized streams and live events to raise money for those in need.

One event, thrown by Kouch Kollective in Charlotte, NC, is also taking place on October 12th. Headlined by Thought Process and 3420, all proceeds from the event will be going to Helene relief efforts and donations of water, PPE, clothing, blankets, gas tasks, and propane tanks will be accepted at the doors, with a special gift for all participants.

Local Asheville artists like Dave Cavnar and Zack Tolles are using their art to raise money and awareness, and there are a number of organizations requesting both financial assistance and supplies.


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Speaking with Tenorless, Somatoast, and a number of other people in the greater Asheville area, food and water are indeed still welcome, but these items have begun to grow excessive; right now, what’s desperately needed to help rebuild are tools like chainsaws and generators. Keep on the lookout for friends in need of specific supplies and see what you can offer to them and their surrounding communities.

“Let it be known that on the other side of this tragedy is the bright shining light of the good of all people. Humanity is being tested and let me tell you–we are passing with flying colors.”-Somatoast

That being said, the most helpful thing you can keep doing is to share what’s going on down there. This is not going to be a wiggle of the nose in Bewitched; this is going to be a long and arduous process, and a fundraiser or donation a month down the line will be just as useful as a fundraiser or donation now.

We all know there will be more disasters occurring all around the world, but do what you can to keep the spotlight on those in need and follow the links below to stay up to date on fundraising events, community actions in Asheville, and more raffles to come. The electronic music family is never as strong as when it stays connected and unified toward the greater good of its community.

Follow SPREAD:

Instagram | Eventbrite

Follow BeLoved Asheville:

Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Website

Follow The Gradient Perspective:

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