Fundamental books that have changed more than one student's outlook on life

Fundamental books that have changed more than one student’s outlook on life

Like nothing else, a wonderful book has the capacity to transform our lives. However, people appear to have lost sight of the basic pleasures a good book may provide due to the quick development of technology. We may go to many worlds and enter a doorway that allows us to experience the lives of countless individuals through reading books. What you want to read is not important as long as you like to read. 

There isn’t a book that’s perfect for everyone. The reason for this is that once you start reading a book, it instantly becomes the appropriate one for you. Reading books, no matter how big or tiny, whether they are fiction or nonfiction, autobiographies or biographies, may alter your view on life. 

That’s why students are often assigned book reviews at school. Wondering how to write decent essays or research papers? Keep reading!

If you have been assigned a paper related to a certain book and find it difficult to complete this type of task, you should do thorough web research. Try to find as many similar essays as possible and analyze them. You can google ‘write essays for money’. There are lots of online resources that provide academic help by publishing school papers. If you follow the structure of those papers and use tricks offered there, you will be able to create a flawless essay. 

Books That Will Honestly Alter Your Perspective on Life

Mitch Albom’s novel Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie is a heartwarming tale about a professor-student reunion that became a last lesson on how to succeed in life. For some reason, Albom decided to re-establish contact with his college professor after seeing an interview with him on ABC’s Nightline in which he talked about living with ALS. Every Tuesday over the following 16 weeks, Mitch spent time with Morrie discussing various life chapters, such as love, family, friendship, remorse, and mortality. This book is not something like teacher comments for students.  Morrie has an infectious cheerfulness and passion for life. His contemplative thoughts will cause you to pause and consider how you live your life and view the world.

Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection 

The idea of “wholeheartedness” is put out by author Brené Brown in this New York Times bestseller. the principle of abandoning shyness, self-doubt, and the persistent impulse to pursue perfection in everything in order to live life to the fullest. She emphasizes the necessity of developing bravery, empathy, and deservingness in order to live a happy life. This book was written by Brown, a professor who is also a counselor, and is the result of significant study on issues like vulnerability and self-worth. Those qualities shine through in her prose and in the concrete suggestions she provides throughout the book. A must-read for everyone who has anxiety, feels alienated or exhausted.

VR Bhardwaj’s The Last Strand

This is an amazing story of two friends named Shankar and Javed who sail through the challenges of time with their special bond, frequently succeeding but occasionally failing miserably. When they work together to get revenge for the murder of Shankar’s mother, their relationship grows even deeper. The two orphan boys leave their home after the tragedy in quest of a greater goal, nevertheless. Both find themselves in the deceitful realm of politics as a result of dealing with a rapidly changing environment and their numerous vulnerabilities in New Delhi. Both aspire to become powerful leaders, but their relationships suffer, and their adversaries become more assertive. Sanyukta, Shankar’s girlfriend, disappears one day. Do read the book to learn more.

Tracy Kidder’s novel Mountains Beyond Mountains

Mountains Beyond Mountains is a motivational story about the power of one individual. The biography delves into the life of Dr. Paul Farmer, a brilliant doctor and medical anthropologist who is dedicated to providing healthcare to the world’s most impoverished people. Farmer persistently works toward his objective of providing the sick and underprivileged with access to life-saving medical care, from Boston and Haiti to Lima and Siberia. Oh, and he pursued his studies at the Harvard Medical School while working on all of this. Tracy Kidder expertly conveys Farmer’s personal and professional life as well as the titanic challenges Farmer overcame to accomplish this amazing achievement. For individuals who have huge ideas but are unclear of where to start, this book offers a boost of inspiration and encouragement.

Vishwas Mudagal’s book Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion (LMR), the No. 1 National Bestseller by Vishwas Mudagal, is a book that will get you obsessed and stick with you forever. It is provocative, surprising, romantic, and inspirational. It’s a novel that has gained cult classic status and has enthralled tens of thousands of readers throughout the world.

The grim tale of Rishi Rai, a failed video game entrepreneur who later became an adventurer, is told in Losing My Religion. As the epitome of the nation’s youth, ambition, and restlessness, Rishi seeks to revolutionize the gaming business and usher in a new era of gaming. 

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