Does Music Help You Study? Here's What Science Says
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Does Music Help You Study? Here’s What Science Says

Students often do their homework listening to music, as well as office workers who turn on their favorite songs during their work routine. How can music help us learn and work? Or maybe it just hinders our productivity?

The effect of music 

The influence of melodies is explained by their special rhythms, which coincide with humans, in particular, with the heart. The sound of some musical instruments has useful effects:

  • Violin, cello, and harp stabilize the cardiovascular system and blood pressure.
  • The piano and piano have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland.
  • Playing the double bass, flute or trumpet helps to maintain the condition of the bronchopulmonary system, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • The xylophone and drum regulate the heart rate.
  • Dance Jazz lowers depression levels, improves blood circulation, and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Slow jazz rhythms allow you to get rid of muscle hypertonicity, soothe.

Classical melodies have a special effect. The works of Strauss and Mendelssohn reduce the intensity of migraine attacks, stimulate the immune system. The positive impact of the classics on cancer patients has been proven. This is an accessible remedy that complements therapy and mobilizes all the forces of the body. Students are always stressed and run out of time. Music like law essay help is a life vest in such situations.

But not all classical tracks are equally useful. More precisely, all are useful, but the effect is different. For example, at the University of California, they found that listening to the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart improves brain function, especially in cases where the brain is busy remembering and assimilating new information. Essay writers recommend classical melodies if you need to learn a lot of information by tomorrow, then this is a great option.

Mozart effect

Researchers in 1993 discovered the “Mozart effect”. Scientists at the University of California conducted an experiment on three groups of students. Each of them had to listen to certain recordings for 10 minutes. After that, the students had to take an IQ test. The group that listened to Mozart’s sonata performed the best. However, these factors turned out to be temporary. The action did not last longer than 10-15 minutes. For those who really struggle with studying we recommend services like

What kind of music is better for memorization and good learning?

Classical melodies promote creativity, improve memory and raise IQ. Melodies are considered ideal for learning and memorization, the rhythm of which corresponds to 60 beats of a metronome per minute. Baroque has such a rhythm. These are slow compositions with high frequencies that relieve fatigue, revitalize the mind and memory. The unhurried rhythm evokes a feeling of “expansion of time”. The working rhythms of the body slow down and there is a feeling that time is stretching. The disappearance of time constraints increases productivity.

Baroque composers used the violin, guitar, harpsichord, mandolin to create compositions. These sounds cause the following reaction of the body:

  • blood pressure is restored;
  • the heart rate stabilizes;
  • the stress factor decreases in the blood;
  • there are changes in the wave radiation of the brain (alpha radiation increases and beta radiation falls);
  • there is synchrony in the work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain;
  • the body relaxes and does not waste excess energy;
  • brain activity becomes purposeful;
  • migraine attacks and insomnia go away.

The volume of melodies also affects learning:

  • quiet melodies are neutral for thinking;
  • tracks of medium and high volume improve abstract thinking;
  • melodies of medium volume develop creative thinking and make the memorization process effective.

The benefits of listening to music 

Using familiar tracks for concentration 

Many studies have confirmed that the brain centers responsible for strong feelings and concentration work more actively when we listen to familiar tracks. Pleasant melodies increase efficiency and motivation and improve mood. Listening to the same songs regularly helps you both enjoy and concentrate on your studies, as familiar tracks do not act as a distraction.

Music between classes is also helpful

If background sounds at work still bother you, try turning it on between tasks. Scientists say that this approach is also effective. It is useful for remembering information and helps to maintain concentration for longer. A good memory and a convenient system for storing information is the basis for the educational process. German scientists wondered how data is better absorbed: while reading a text or speaking? In fact, the meaning of the text was deposited in the minds better in those people who perceived it by ear as a song. That is the reason why educational songs are so popular and effective. This method is good for learning foreign languages ​​and exact sciences.

Music improves mood

Favorite melodies help relieve stress much better than pills. In one of the experiments, patients who were worried before surgery were offered two options for “sedation”: listen to your favorite tracks or take medicine. As a result, the group of music lovers had the best results in terms of well-being.

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