Where And How You Can Find Books That Will Help You Learn Jazz Piano

Where And How You Can Find Books That Will Help You Learn Jazz Piano

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a beginner, or you want to further enhance your skills when it comes to playing jazz piano, there are a number of options that can help you become better at this.

You can come across various high-quality online courses, hire a professional, or even purchase a good jazz piano book. The last alternative is probably the best way to go before you decide to spend some cash on an online course.

Now, what may be a little bit daunting is the fact that there are a plethora of books that cover this topic and you may find yourself lost because you’re not sure which one is the best. If that’s the case, then don’t worry! In this article, we will provide you with some useful advice that will help you choose the one that perfectly fits your needs!

Great Books To Help You Become A Jazz Piano Pro

Let’s Start With Beginners

Now, when we say beginner, it doesn’t refer to people who are just getting started when it comes to piano, but to the ones who have been playing this instrument for quite some time, however, they do not have any background in jazz piano.

This must be accentuated because you simply must have some piano experience if you want to focus on jazz piano. One of the books that are great for beginners is “Hal Leonard Jazz Piano Method Book 1” written by Mark Davis.

It can be easily found on Amazon and it is a great choice for any newbie who wants to obtain a book that is properly organized and relatively easy to understand, where everything is explained step by step. 

If that’s precisely what you want, then for sure this is an amazing way to start. Furthermore, a good thing about it is the fact that you do not need to have any prior musical knowledge except the one regarding reading music in order to comprehend the concepts that were placed in this book.

Exploring Jazz Piano by Tim Richards is according to many, one of the best books when it comes to jazz piano and for sure most comprehensive. What’s spectacular about it is the fact that it covers every single concept thoroughly and makes sure that everything is crystal clear before moving on to another topic. 

Moreover, this book (that can also be found on Amazon) will teach beginners jazz theory in an extremely detailed manner and will give them original exercises to help them amplify everything they’ve learned so far. If you’re an ambitious newbie who is willing to dedicate his/her time to learn new things, then this should definitely be your choice.

Furthermore, Exploring Jazz Piano is focusing on jazz improvisation and at the same time, it supports it with a good theoretical background. It’s worth mentioning that you should have at least some experience when it comes to playing piano because if you don’t, you’re not going to be able to understand anything.

Adding More Recommendations Below

Let’s Move On To More Advanced Players

If you already have some experience, yet you wish to perfect your skills, then this segment is for you. Now, there are a number of first-class fake books that are intended for those people who want to learn new things without spending lots of hours.

Who wouldn’t want that? Luckily, there are a plethora of amazing websites where you can find a list of recommended books that literally have everything you need. On the other hand, if you’re looking for something that’s a bit more thorough then you should give The Jazz Piano Book by Mark Levine a try.

Many jazz experts consider it the bible of jazz piano. Why is that? Simply because it practically covers everything that’s necessary and relevant. Just like the ones we previously mentioned, you can also acquire it on Amazon.

Now, before you decide to spend your money on it, there’s one thing that must be discussed. You should know that this book does not come with any practical exercises, as well as step-by-step modules that are going to help you better understand concepts in an easy way.

Instead, it’s filled with lots of theory and provides readers with a lot of information, leaving applying and implementing everything you have learned entirely up to you. So what does it mean?

It means that even if you are an experienced rock/pop pianist, you’ll be having a hard time digesting this if you do not have any experience in jazz. So who is supposed to purchase this book then?

It’s intended for people who already have some experience in jazz piano and who simply want to learn more. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is a great source of information for anyone who is at an intermediate level. 

Another great book is Playing Solo Jazz Piano: A New Approach For Creative Pianists By Jeremy Siskind. It is packed with a lot of high-quality exercises and what’s good about it is the fact that Jeremy has a truly easy-to-comprehend teaching style. 

Furthermore, this book covers many important aspects of jazz piano styles, such as swing, stride, numerous techniques, as well as some excellent modern jazz piano approaches that are going to help you become a creative, unique, and versatile jazz piano player. 

So, who should obtain this book? Namely, this book is supposed to be purchased by people who have been learning jazz piano for at least one year and are yearning to embrace new ideas, open up their minds and simply implement brand-new, inventive, and creative approaches to playing this genre.

They will be able to easily accomplish that due to the fact that this book is filled with interesting and unique exercises, learning tips, and methods which is exactly what you need if you wish to perfect your skills. 

It is easy to conclude that there are a number of options when it comes to finding the right jazz piano book. We hope that some of these suggestions that were given in this article will help you learn all about it.

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