Rising Singer ellie d. Drops New Single 'The City' [Listen]

Rising Singer ellie d. Drops New Single 'The City' [Listen]

LA-based ellie d. continues her streak of standout singles with a brand new indie dance tune “The City”.

With everyone around the world social distancing, a lot of us are suddenly spending a lot more time than usual alone with our thoughts. Though not related to the current crisis, rising pop artist ellie d. is here to break up the mental monotony with her brand new single “The City.

The track kicks off unassumingly mellow as ellie d.‘s infectious vocals pour over vast soundscapes. “The City” builds towards an energetic drop, with vocal chops and the track’s aggressive bassline and percussion creating a palatable contrast, as ellie d. explains:

“I think [The City] relates a lot to how many of us are feeling right now. Sometimes you get stuck in the same pattern or routine of having negative thoughts and it can be hard to fall asleep, especially with what is going on right now. I still have these moments, but I am definitely getting closer to figuring it all out.”-ellie d.

The track serves as an impressive follow up to her recent addicting singles “Better” and “Another One“, which caught our eye in late 2019.

Listen to the new single from ellie d. below and let us know what you think!

Featured photo via artist Facebook.
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Midwest music dude between Chicago & Madison. Usually 🎶 and🌲. Spending a little time every day learning something new.

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