Crywolf Switches Gears on Soft & Acoustic 'Fawn' [Listen]

Crywolf Switches Gears on Soft Acoustic 'Fawn' [Listen]

For the past year, Crywolf has steadily released a handful of singles from his forthcoming EP widow [oblivion pt. 1]. For his final release before the big day next Friday, March 22, is a softer track: “Fawn.” One popular theme in Crywolf’s singles is poetic story-telling; there is much more lyrically underneath all the layers than what meets the eye.

While working on widow [oblivion pt. 1], Crywolf spent his time in the Huilo Huilo rainforest, one of the most haunted places in the world.

Listen to “Fawn” below:

“‘Fawn’ is a song about feeling cursed; how darkness is not always chosen. It deals with the brokenness that comes from feeling betrayed and abandoned by life, and the pain a person can inflict on the people they love as a result of that brokenness.”

Featured image via artist.

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